Friday, June 6, 2008

HOT Day Cocktail

6pm on a Friday is probably my favorite hour of any week. The weekend is in front of me and it's time to figure out what will be my beverage of choice. It's been a super hot week and I have been extremely busy teaching Fierce out in the field for my company. Anyway, hot means either cocktails, corona or white wine. Tonight I am having a gimlet...the one with lime juice and it has hit the spot!
2 oz. gin or Vodka
1/4 to 1/2 oz. simple syrup
1/2 oz. lime juice
Garnish with a lime
Served over ice in a short glass

What's your favorite summer cocktail for a really HOT day?

1 comment:

JenOP said...

My current favorite is also my favorite in the "hot day" category: Three Olives Cherry vodka with club soda. Tall. With TONS of ice. Perfect.